Applying Pinkfishes PF PRO Enhance Clusters to Sell as a Treatment
It seems that a lot of people nowadays have too little time to sit and have their lashes done for 1-2 hours every couple of weeks, and want a quick and easy fix to feel beautiful every day. It is also really hard as a lash technician to find time to look after yourself! Pinkfishes PF PRO Enhance range is the perfect solution for your personal routine and to introduce to your treatment list. Our PF PRO Enhance range are lashes that can be applied in under 5 minutes but can last 7+ days at a time. Apply them to yourself, or as part of a treatment for your clients. This blog is going to explain all about the different styles available, how to apply them on yourself and how to apply them as a treatment to your client - so read along with us!
The Range

How to apply PF PRO Enhance clusters on yourself
Firstly, choose between our two glues; PF Pro Plus - our clear glue providing a seamless look, or PF Pro Bond - our black glue with a sealant, providing a more defined style. Using your chosen glue, apply it to the base of your natural lashes. Then either starting from the inside corner, or outside corner apply the Pro clusters under your eyelashes, pushing them upwards into your natural lashes to ensure they stick well. Make sure not to stick them too close to your water line, otherwise they will be uncomfortable for you to wear. We recommend applying approximately 4-5 clusters to each eye, depending on the length of your lash line.
Once all lashes have been applied, take a curved/long head tweezer and squeeze along the base of the lashes, to make sure they are well bonded to your natural lashes.
If you want a bolder, thicker look you can repeat the process again to double layer the lashes. Once happy with the look, if using PF Bond Glue, apply the clear sealant along the base of the lash - where the glue was applied. This will aid retention of the cluster lashes and allow them to last up to 7-days+.
To remove, either using a mascara brush or lip brush, work some Repel Remover above and underneath the clusters to loosen the glue from your natural lashes. DO NOT PULL THEM OFF! Always make sure to remove them properly with the repel remover, otherwise you run the risk of pulling out your own natural lashes!
It is normal, however, when removing the clusters to have a couple of natural lashes come out with the clusters, as these are just the lashes that have naturally shed while wearing the clusters. We usually shed 1-4 lashes per eye per day, so as long as you haven't felt any discomfort (from plucking the lashes out) while removing, you have removed them perfectly.
The used cluster lashes can then be cleaned off with a makeup remover - my favourite method is using some oily micellar water (after using the repel remover first) and then rinsing them off before dabbing dry. This will make each box of lashes last even longer. They can be cleaned and reused 5-10 times, potentially more, depending how well they are looked after and how thoroughly they are cleaned.
How to apply PF PRO Enhance clusters to a Client
The process of applying lashes to a client is more or less the same as applying them to yourself. It's just getting used to the angle, and being able to manage your clients' flickering eyes, as they do need to be open for application. I like to apply the lashes to the client while they are sitting up. I make sure they are comfortable - usually sitting on the side of my lash bed, or a stool with a back - and ensure that you have easy access to the front of your client.
Once set up, I will take a few mascara brushes; 1 to brush through their natural lashes (making sure they are clean and well separated), and the rest to dip into the glue. You will need to ensure you throw away the brush every time it’s touched your clients eye, to prevent cross contamination and to allow you to use the same glue across a number of different clients. I use mascara brushes here, but any type of disposable item will work well - i.e. microfibre brushes, lip brushes etc. I will also ensure that my tweezers are ready, and disinfected before starting.
To start, I will ask my client to look down and tell them to focus on a particular spot which will keep their eyes pointing downwards but still open. This will take the focus away from what I am doing to their eye - meaning there should be less flickering. It’s important to tell your client to relax, and blink as much as they need to throughout the process, as this will mean the eyes will flicker less and are less likely to water.
Then I start applying the glue. I like to work eye to eye and from the outer corner, to make sure the lashes are sitting evenly across both eyes. So therefore when applying the glue I will work in small sections, from eye to eye - applying glue only to the area I am about to apply a lash to. This stops the glue from drying out too much before I can apply the cluster. Apply the cluster underneath the clients natural lashes, making sure not to apply the lashes too close to the waterline, as this will be uncomfortable for the client. You can ask them to look up so you can ensure they are in the right position before moving on. We recommend applying approximately 4-5 clusters to each eye, depending on the length of your client’s lash line.
Once all of the lashes are applied, use a tweezer to work along squeezing the lashes together to ensure a really good bond. This is so important to ensure that your clients’ lashes last well. Then, if using the PF Pro Bond glue, apply the sealant along the base of all the lashes to seal the glue in place.
I then like to hand my client a mirror to ensure they are happy with the finished look before leaving. While they are looking, I explain the aftercare to them as follows;
These lashes are not permanent and will last up to 7 days. Some may fall off prior if you are not careful.
If you wear large amounts of makeup/oily products around the lashes, they won’t last as long.
If you frequently touch them then they will not last as long.
The lashes can get wet, however make sure to be extra gentle around the area to ensure maximum retention. Lightly dab them with a towel to dry, and re-squeeze the lashes together with a tweezer, or your fingers to ensure the bond stays strong.
At this point, you could offer to show your clients how to reapply if a lash was to come loose, or you could even talk your client through the whole process if you wanted to. This way, you could then look at selling the glue, and even boxes of lashes onto your clients for a profit.
With regards to pricing, we would recommend starting by checking to see how much people charge in your area, if they offer a similar treatment. If not, then the products at full RRP will roughly cost around £4.57 and if the treatment takes you around 30 minutes in full, then you can also add on your hourly rate on top of the cost of the products and potentially a few extra pounds on top too.
Stock our lashes in your salon to resell to customers and make a profit
Pinkfishes now have amazing Rotating Display Stands on offer, where you can get a special starter bundle of strip lashes/pro enhance clusters and get the display stand for FREE!

Our DL2, DL3, W1 & W2 Pro Enhance lashes are now in retail friendly packaging, and can be purchased in bulk for a much lower price.
Purchase 40 PRO lashes for £260 + VAT and make £518.00 in revenue!
Purchase 80 PRO lashes for £480 + VAT and make £1036 in revenue! *When sold at the RRP.
And get a stand for free!!
This would mean you're paying £6.00-£6.50 per box of lashes, or £6.50 + VAT per glue.
The RRP is then £12.95 per box of lashes or £16.95 per glue - meaning a mark up of over 100% for each product sold! These lashes can also be used to apply to clients as part of a treatment alternative to Classic or Russian eyelash extensions.
Get in touch to make use of this discount & place an order! Call us on 01245 475912, or drop us an email to