A Breakdown of Treatment Costs
A question we get asked all of the time here at Pinkfishes is how much each treatment will cost you to complete a set of lashes. There are so many options and variables when it comes to creating a set, so we have made some calculations to figure out exactly how much each treatment may cost you as a lash technician. It is important to note that this may vary depending on exactly how much you use per set and what brand you use, our costs are based on the prices of Pinkfishes products.
So, lets start with the basic disposables. Primer usually lasts around 5-6 weeks worth of lashing, so based on an average of 4 clients a day, 5 days a week, for 5-6 weeks – that’s a total of 100-120 clients in this time period. Which means that Pink Creation primer will cost 9p per client. However, if you use Pink PH priming sticks, each box contains 30 sticks, and so will cost you 33p per client.
Next, we have any tape/eye pads you may use. If you purchase a pack of 10 eye pads, this will make each pair of eye pads 75p. However, if you use tape instead, you would be looking at a cost of around 5p per client. There are so many tapes out there, so take a look at our website to find one works best for you.
You would use around 6 microfibre brushes per client on average if you are using primer and elixir, less if not. So this would work out to be around 36p per client on average. You would also be using 1 mascara brush, and these work out to be 10p each. Couch roll, depending on where your bought it from and how much you used would cost around 16p per client.
Each drop of your adhesive is around 0.03-0.04g. So based on the lower amount, and the fact you would use 4-5 drops per full set, you would get around 42 full sets out of each bottle. This would make the total cost to be around 48p per client. There are so many different types of adhesives out there, so make sure you chose one that's right for you. You can have a look on our website to find one that works for you.
Pink Elixir, our sealant/bonder will last you for a long time, and so will generally work out to be around 5p per client.
So that's the disposables done...now onto the lashes! Based on the fact that clients will have an average of 90-120 lashes per eye, each full set will generally cost you around the following amount for the lashes alone. As you can see, the lashes you use will vary the price quite substantially, so take a look below to find which one fits your treatment best.
Classic Lashes
Classic Lash Full Set - 62p
Based on 0.15 and full coverage, you would use around 1 full strip for 1 full set of lashes – including some room for wastage. With our boxes costing £9.95 with 16 strips in you get to as little as 62p per client!
Classic Lash Full Set using Flat Lashes – 80p
A box of flat lashes is a tiny bit more expensive than a box of standard classics. So, on the basis it would take the same amount of lashes (1 strip for 1 full set), this would be the price for the lashes.
Hybrid Lashes

Hybrid Lash Full Set - £1.31
Creating a set of hybrids with a 50:50 ratio, and full coverage, it would cost you this for one full set. Check out our Hybrid boxes to save yourself money on this treatment. This price will of course vary depending on the ratio of the different lashes and also whether you hand make your own fans or buy them pre-made.
Russian Lashes
Russian Lash Full Set - £1.87
On the basis it would take you an average of 3 strips of lashes per set, it would cost the above. This may vary depending on the thickness of the lashes, as you would likely use more 0.03s but less of 0.07s.
Russian Lash Full Set using Easy Fan Lashes - £1.96
Easy fan lashes are again slightly more expensive than standard Russians, but work in the same way. So you would normally use around 3 strips on average for a full set.
Pre-Fanned Lashes
Russian Lash Full Set using 5D Pre-Made Lashes - £19.18
Using 5D pre-made lashes for a full set of Russians would work out quite expensive, which isn’t ideal! But these would work out cheaper if you were to dot them in with handmade Russians, or with Classics to make a Hybrid set. You would use around 1.5 boxes per full set, so this does work out quite a lot when doing a complete full set in them, however you need to take into account the speed you can work at using pre-made lashes in comparison to hand making your fans.
Russian Lash Full Set using 10D Pre-Made Lashes - £13.72
Using 10D pre-made lashes for a full set of Russians can massively reduce the amount of time you spend on a set, which would realistically cancel out the price increase in comparison to hand making your fans. As these are XL boxes, you get 400 fans per box making them more cost effective than smaller boxes of pre-fanned lashes. The quicker you work the more clients you can fit into your day, bringing in more money to pay for the difference in cost of products. They are a great way to create a beautiful full set of mega volume lashes in a fraction of the time.
Pro-Made Lashes

Russian Lash Full Set using 6D Pro-Made Lashes - £5.98
In each box of pro-made lashes you will get approximately 500 fans meaning you can get roughly 2.5 full sets from each box. Each box has a cost of £14.95 (6D) or £16.95 (9D) and so will roughly cost you the following for a full set of Russian lashes;
Russian Lash Full Set using 9D Pro-Made Lashes – £6.78
These are a much more cost effective product to use in bulk if using pre/pro-made fans. They are hand-made fans and so look much more like a hand-made Russian set in comparison to pre-made lashes. Pinkfishes also does an offer of buy 3 get 1 free on pro-made lashes meaning your treatment cost could be even lower if you take advantage of this. This is for a limited time so get them while you can!
Now you just have to add up each amount for what lashes and disposables you use, then you will have a total cost of each treatment you carry out - it's as easy as that!
Lash Lift and Tint
Now this one has a lot of variables too – depending on how many treatments you do a day, as to whether you could get 3 treatments out of each sachet or not. For general purposes, we will work out each treatment to be 1 per sachet.
Brow Lamination
Making your total treatment cost around £5.83 per client.
Hopefully this blog has helped to give you a rough idea of how much each treatment costs you to do. You can always get in touch with The Pinkfishes Team via our Instagram @pinkfisheslashco or by giving us a call on 01245 475912 if you have any questions! We’ll do out best to help 😊
Keep an eye out for our next blog coming soon!